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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 18 September 2010

... in which I consider becoming a doctor

Not really.

So I was stuck in traffic coming home from work on Wednesday and I noticed a bruise on my wrist. I'm baffled as to where I got it from. But anyway... I began to have a conversation with myself about bruises;

Me: wow, that bruise is sore
Me: a bruise happens when little capillaries burst
Me: yeah but why does it hurt?
Me: because it's a bruise
Me: :-/

John and myself are having a chilled night in tonight, watching the X Factor and eating Chinese food. And I won't feel bad about it because I played hardcore badminton on Wednesday and Friday, and also did lots of Wii bowling yesterday. I r teh healthy!

Hope you're all having a nice weekend :)

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