... and Portugal was a lot of fun.
I'm not entirely thrilled to be home, but hey. Thats how it is with holidays.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
...in which I feel I should re-read Orwell's 1984
My original first line of this post was "long time no blog" but I changed it when I realised how many of my posts have started with that line.
I updated my Livejournal today for the first time in months and I feel good about it. Everyone on my friendslist over there is purely an online friend, I've never met any of them in real life but I like it that way. I never encourage RL friends to sign up to LJ because I wouldn't bother adding them to my friendslist. I don't have anything to hide, but nevertheless, I like how it rolls. My LJ friends are all made of awesome.
My best friends bought me a small (21 litre) fishtank for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. After finding space for it I've managed to set it up in a cosy corner of my room and now the filter is filtering merrily away. It makes a lovely sound but it's taking some getting used to.
Like just now... I'm listening to Diamond Dogs (fantastic album btw) when suddenly I fancy a sherbet lemon. I hit the pause button so I don't miss any fantasticness whilst I hunt down a sweetie and I can hear what I think is water gushing from somewhere, causing a split second of panic before I spot my lil tank.
I need fishes in it.
My day overall has been rather poo today, but this album is doing me wonders. And makes me want to read the book again.
Please saviour, saviour, show us
Hear me, I'm graphically yours
I updated my Livejournal today for the first time in months and I feel good about it. Everyone on my friendslist over there is purely an online friend, I've never met any of them in real life but I like it that way. I never encourage RL friends to sign up to LJ because I wouldn't bother adding them to my friendslist. I don't have anything to hide, but nevertheless, I like how it rolls. My LJ friends are all made of awesome.
My best friends bought me a small (21 litre) fishtank for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. After finding space for it I've managed to set it up in a cosy corner of my room and now the filter is filtering merrily away. It makes a lovely sound but it's taking some getting used to.
Like just now... I'm listening to Diamond Dogs (fantastic album btw) when suddenly I fancy a sherbet lemon. I hit the pause button so I don't miss any fantasticness whilst I hunt down a sweetie and I can hear what I think is water gushing from somewhere, causing a split second of panic before I spot my lil tank.
I need fishes in it.
My day overall has been rather poo today, but this album is doing me wonders. And makes me want to read the book again.
Hear me, I'm graphically yours
Friday, 16 January 2009
...in which decisions are not made
Oh dear, I'm well sick.
I need a cup of tea but really can't be fussed with getting out of bed.
Wait, watch this, I'm gonna do it.
Back. Due to the astonishing rate at which I drink tea there were no appropriate mugs available for me, so I'm lumped with a mosnter size one which has WORLD'S BIGGEST MUG emblazoned on the side. A present from my adorable brother.
Sleep last night wasn't good. It was punctuated my sniffles and dreams of tattoos, my arch enemy and my most loathed ex.
Last night I gave the tattoo thing a lot of thought and still have no answer :)
It's really hard. If these things only lasted for 5 years I'd be in the chair like a shot. I'd probably have a whole sleeve done. It's the whole permanent thing thats doing my head in.
I remember saying that if I didn't get into flight school I'd have my wrist inked. And I still don't. I've gone off the wrist idea though, I'm more taken with the idea of having something that you'll never see unless I want you to. Perhaps something up the side of my ribcage.
Oh, so many deicsions.
In other news it's 6 days until I fly to Portugal with John, which I'm really looking forward to. I miss having a tan, I can't wait for winter to be over and done with.
I should probably get dressed now. And do something productive. I might try and tick something off my list today :)
I need a cup of tea but really can't be fussed with getting out of bed.
Wait, watch this, I'm gonna do it.
Back. Due to the astonishing rate at which I drink tea there were no appropriate mugs available for me, so I'm lumped with a mosnter size one which has WORLD'S BIGGEST MUG emblazoned on the side. A present from my adorable brother.
Sleep last night wasn't good. It was punctuated my sniffles and dreams of tattoos, my arch enemy and my most loathed ex.
Last night I gave the tattoo thing a lot of thought and still have no answer :)
It's really hard. If these things only lasted for 5 years I'd be in the chair like a shot. I'd probably have a whole sleeve done. It's the whole permanent thing thats doing my head in.
I remember saying that if I didn't get into flight school I'd have my wrist inked. And I still don't. I've gone off the wrist idea though, I'm more taken with the idea of having something that you'll never see unless I want you to. Perhaps something up the side of my ribcage.
Oh, so many deicsions.
In other news it's 6 days until I fly to Portugal with John, which I'm really looking forward to. I miss having a tan, I can't wait for winter to be over and done with.
I should probably get dressed now. And do something productive. I might try and tick something off my list today :)
Thursday, 15 January 2009
...in which I can answer an important question
For those of you wondering, the answer to this ridicularse question is no.
I'm so sick of the words "credit crunch".
I'm also sick, generally, after having acquired a lurgy over the past few days. It's my turn I suppose, I've been the last person out of pretty much everyone around me to get it. Which also means it's hard for me to point the finger of blame.
Now, I shall be crawling into my bed to watch Spongebob Squarepants and Deal or No Deal and drink myself silly on cups of tea.
For those of you wondering, the answer to this ridicularse question is no.
I'm so sick of the words "credit crunch".
I'm also sick, generally, after having acquired a lurgy over the past few days. It's my turn I suppose, I've been the last person out of pretty much everyone around me to get it. Which also means it's hard for me to point the finger of blame.
Now, I shall be crawling into my bed to watch Spongebob Squarepants and Deal or No Deal and drink myself silly on cups of tea.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
...in which I think about food (for a change)
Hello. I'm blogging in bullet point form today.
1. I'm hungry
2. I'm currently drinking a cup of boiling water with a wine gum in it. No seriously. This is my mums advice on beating the lurgy I've aqcuired
3. It's not nice
4. Today I wrote some more of my novel in one of many breaks that I took
5. On that break I drank tea and ate a well nice cookie :)
6. A week tomorrow I'm going to Portugal with John, which is hundreds of different kinds of awesome
7. I might be changing my opinion in this silly wine gum concoction. It's not bad
8. I might set up my fishtank in a while. For my new fishys
1. I'm hungry
2. I'm currently drinking a cup of boiling water with a wine gum in it. No seriously. This is my mums advice on beating the lurgy I've aqcuired
3. It's not nice
4. Today I wrote some more of my novel in one of many breaks that I took
5. On that break I drank tea and ate a well nice cookie :)
6. A week tomorrow I'm going to Portugal with John, which is hundreds of different kinds of awesome
7. I might be changing my opinion in this silly wine gum concoction. It's not bad
8. I might set up my fishtank in a while. For my new fishys
Monday, 12 January 2009
...in which I consider a career change (sorta)
"I hadn't been out to the hives before, so to start off she gave me a lesson in what she called 'bee yard ettiquette'. She reminded me that the world really was one big bee yard, and the same rules worked fine in both places: Don't be afraid, as no life-loving bee wants to sting you. Still, don't be an idiot; wear long sleeves and long pants. Don't swat. Don't even think about swatting. If you feel angry, whistle. Anger agitates, while whistling melts a bee's temper. Act like you know what you're doing, even if you don't. Above all, send the bees love. Every little thing wants to be loved."
This is a passage I saw today in the book I'm currently reading. As someone who loves bees, I had to restrain myself from squeeing out loud when I read it.
This is my first blog as a 22 year old :)
I had an awesome birthday weekend, thanks to my beautiful amazing friends and my fantabulous boyfriend. I got to go see Stomp with John and then we went for a gorgeous Italian for dinner. It was so yum.
Today I've been doing the Learning Support thang. I met my student for the first time and actually managed to start doing my job and feeling like I've done some good to someone. Was cool. And lunch with Suzy to discuss all manner of important things. Like whether David Bowie got birthday cake on his birthday.
Now I'm home, clinging onto a cup of tea with one hand and franticly typing with the other.
This is a passage I saw today in the book I'm currently reading. As someone who loves bees, I had to restrain myself from squeeing out loud when I read it.
This is my first blog as a 22 year old :)
I had an awesome birthday weekend, thanks to my beautiful amazing friends and my fantabulous boyfriend. I got to go see Stomp with John and then we went for a gorgeous Italian for dinner. It was so yum.
Today I've been doing the Learning Support thang. I met my student for the first time and actually managed to start doing my job and feeling like I've done some good to someone. Was cool. And lunch with Suzy to discuss all manner of important things. Like whether David Bowie got birthday cake on his birthday.
Now I'm home, clinging onto a cup of tea with one hand and franticly typing with the other.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
...in which I start to get older
Today is my last day of being 21 and so far the most productive thing I've done is take a shower.
Lets start from the beginning. After finishing work at 3 yesterday I rolled into Uxbridge with my girls for shoppings 80s style. After a successful trip and a hilrious Starbucks visit we headed home to get ready. And once all and sundry were ready me and the girls plus John and Darren headed to Reflex for a bit of fun cheese and a bit of a boogie. Photos to appear soon hopefully :)
What with wor and partying I worked out that I was awake for 22 hours yesterday. Hardcore. So I slept until the afternoon today, and once awake was reluctant to leave my bed so I stayed in it for quite some time watching Spongebob Squarepants and Pimp My Ride UK. Good times.
And soon I'll be getting ready for night number 2 of celebrations, this time in the middle of London. My last night out as a 21 year old.
Cool :)
Lets start from the beginning. After finishing work at 3 yesterday I rolled into Uxbridge with my girls for shoppings 80s style. After a successful trip and a hilrious Starbucks visit we headed home to get ready. And once all and sundry were ready me and the girls plus John and Darren headed to Reflex for a bit of fun cheese and a bit of a boogie. Photos to appear soon hopefully :)
What with wor and partying I worked out that I was awake for 22 hours yesterday. Hardcore. So I slept until the afternoon today, and once awake was reluctant to leave my bed so I stayed in it for quite some time watching Spongebob Squarepants and Pimp My Ride UK. Good times.
And soon I'll be getting ready for night number 2 of celebrations, this time in the middle of London. My last night out as a 21 year old.
Cool :)
Thursday, 8 January 2009
...in which I am full of non-teenage angst
What the fuck? I epicly hate today.
Everyone is pissing me off.
For the past half an hour I've been on the phone to insurance people who are bursting to give me a great deal on car insurance. The more times I say that I don't have enough details on me because I'm not the fucking policyholder, the more questions they want to ask that I dont have the answer to... because I'm not the policyholder.
I told the chick I was on my way out so instead of letting me go she puts me through to people who have no idea who I am, thus making me sound like a muppet. And the outcome of that half an hour of rubbish is a £2000 quote which is 4 times as much as what my mum found two nights ago. Fuckers.
Work was a little bit mare-ish.
I'm worried about my birthday.
Today is David Bowie's birthday, which is nice :)
Everyone is pissing me off.
For the past half an hour I've been on the phone to insurance people who are bursting to give me a great deal on car insurance. The more times I say that I don't have enough details on me because I'm not the fucking policyholder, the more questions they want to ask that I dont have the answer to... because I'm not the policyholder.
I told the chick I was on my way out so instead of letting me go she puts me through to people who have no idea who I am, thus making me sound like a muppet. And the outcome of that half an hour of rubbish is a £2000 quote which is 4 times as much as what my mum found two nights ago. Fuckers.
Work was a little bit mare-ish.
I'm worried about my birthday.
Today is David Bowie's birthday, which is nice :)
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
...in which I talk about my day
Yeah. Nothing amazing to report.
I went to work and my assigned student didn't show up so I had a lunch break staright away. Slight fail. And then I did more shadowing of other staff in the afternoon which ended at 2.30. Plus I didn't see Suzy.
And today I also won't be seeing my other half who has his second bout of man-flu in the last two weeks. This is epicly rubbish. In usual circumstances I'd push aside my fear of the manflu (deadly as it is) and see him anyway but it happens to be my birthday at the weekend and I really don't want to be diseased for that. Le sigh.
I'm sure that I could be doing something outrageously productive with my time right now. Hmmm, what a thought.
The closest I've come to being mildly productive is to consider getting my guitar out.
Ok, shower time. This will be interesting since I backcombed my hair this morning to get it to "go right". Hello tangles.
I went to work and my assigned student didn't show up so I had a lunch break staright away. Slight fail. And then I did more shadowing of other staff in the afternoon which ended at 2.30. Plus I didn't see Suzy.
And today I also won't be seeing my other half who has his second bout of man-flu in the last two weeks. This is epicly rubbish. In usual circumstances I'd push aside my fear of the manflu (deadly as it is) and see him anyway but it happens to be my birthday at the weekend and I really don't want to be diseased for that. Le sigh.
I'm sure that I could be doing something outrageously productive with my time right now. Hmmm, what a thought.
The closest I've come to being mildly productive is to consider getting my guitar out.
Ok, shower time. This will be interesting since I backcombed my hair this morning to get it to "go right". Hello tangles.
Monday, 5 January 2009
...in which I lament
I realised today that I am almost permanently in a state of nostalgia. Some of the things, or time periods tht I miss are reasonable but I even miss the 70s. In case I've failed to mention it in this blog, I'm a few days away from turning 22, which means I didn't even come close to experiencing that decade.
But I get a good feeling from it nonetheless :)
I started a new job today, as a learning support assistant at a local college.
Perks include;
- it's 2 roads away from me which means I can walk there in nice weather
- there is free staff parking for lazy/cold days on which I shall drive there
- no uniform
- similarly, I can wear however many earrings I want
- Suzy! She works there too
- nice moneys
- it involves sitting down
- it will look stellar on my CV
- I don't come home smelling of coffee
It is my birthday in 5 days and I shall be 22 :)
But I get a good feeling from it nonetheless :)
I started a new job today, as a learning support assistant at a local college.
Perks include;
- it's 2 roads away from me which means I can walk there in nice weather
- there is free staff parking for lazy/cold days on which I shall drive there
- no uniform
- similarly, I can wear however many earrings I want
- Suzy! She works there too
- nice moneys
- it involves sitting down
- it will look stellar on my CV
- I don't come home smelling of coffee
It is my birthday in 5 days and I shall be 22 :)
Friday, 2 January 2009
...in which I am overly optimistic
New Years resolutions;
1. Text David Bowie lyrics to Suzy every day of January
2. Learn to cook more stuff, hopefully a la Ramsay
3. Save more money
4. Buy lots of shoes (this might negate no. 3)
5. Visit some more cool places
6. Be happy
7. Be healthy
1. Text David Bowie lyrics to Suzy every day of January
2. Learn to cook more stuff, hopefully a la Ramsay
3. Save more money
4. Buy lots of shoes (this might negate no. 3)
5. Visit some more cool places
6. Be happy
7. Be healthy
Thursday, 1 January 2009
...in which I greet a new year!
Hello avid readers (I can see you) and happy 2009 to you.
And goodbye 2008. You started off rather rubbish but gradually got better and then morphed into amazing.
I finished my degree with upper second class honours, had a spiffy graduation, went to Ibiza, went to Glastonbury Festival, went to the pub lots, went to work hungover a lot, applied for flight school, got a new car, met new people and made new friends, made some good decisions, busted some wicked dance moves, tried new drinks, saw new places, got new piercings and turned 21. Boo yeah.
Not only did I do all of that but I also acquired a rather amazing, gorgeous boyfriend. And we have had all of The Fun. It would take a whole other entry to list all of the massively cool stuff we did, so just take my word for it that it's been awesome, and hopefully will continue to be.
And already 2009 is looking to be fabulous. My birthday is in 10 days time, I have a flying lesson to take, I have a holiday to Portugal booked with the afforementioned boyfriend, a ticket to Glastonbury festival, a new job starting, the possibility of doing a masters to name a few.
Happy New Year :)
And goodbye 2008. You started off rather rubbish but gradually got better and then morphed into amazing.
I finished my degree with upper second class honours, had a spiffy graduation, went to Ibiza, went to Glastonbury Festival, went to the pub lots, went to work hungover a lot, applied for flight school, got a new car, met new people and made new friends, made some good decisions, busted some wicked dance moves, tried new drinks, saw new places, got new piercings and turned 21. Boo yeah.
Not only did I do all of that but I also acquired a rather amazing, gorgeous boyfriend. And we have had all of The Fun. It would take a whole other entry to list all of the massively cool stuff we did, so just take my word for it that it's been awesome, and hopefully will continue to be.
And already 2009 is looking to be fabulous. My birthday is in 10 days time, I have a flying lesson to take, I have a holiday to Portugal booked with the afforementioned boyfriend, a ticket to Glastonbury festival, a new job starting, the possibility of doing a masters to name a few.
Happy New Year :)
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