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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 29 January 2009

...in which I feel I should re-read Orwell's 1984

My original first line of this post was "long time no blog" but I changed it when I realised how many of my posts have started with that line.

I updated my Livejournal today for the first time in months and I feel good about it. Everyone on my friendslist over there is purely an online friend, I've never met any of them in real life but I like it that way. I never encourage RL friends to sign up to LJ because I wouldn't bother adding them to my friendslist. I don't have anything to hide, but nevertheless, I like how it rolls. My LJ friends are all made of awesome.

My best friends bought me a small (21 litre) fishtank for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. After finding space for it I've managed to set it up in a cosy corner of my room and now the filter is filtering merrily away. It makes a lovely sound but it's taking some getting used to.

Like just now... I'm listening to Diamond Dogs (fantastic album btw) when suddenly I fancy a sherbet lemon. I hit the pause button so I don't miss any fantasticness whilst I hunt down a sweetie and I can hear what I think is water gushing from somewhere, causing a split second of panic before I spot my lil tank.

I need fishes in it.

My day overall has been rather poo today, but this album is doing me wonders. And makes me want to read the book again.

Please saviour, saviour, show us
Hear me, I'm graphically yours

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