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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 5 January 2009

...in which I lament

I realised today that I am almost permanently in a state of nostalgia. Some of the things, or time periods tht I miss are reasonable but I even miss the 70s. In case I've failed to mention it in this blog, I'm a few days away from turning 22, which means I didn't even come close to experiencing that decade.

But I get a good feeling from it nonetheless :)

I started a new job today, as a learning support assistant at a local college.
Perks include;
- it's 2 roads away from me which means I can walk there in nice weather
- there is free staff parking for lazy/cold days on which I shall drive there
- no uniform
- similarly, I can wear however many earrings I want
- Suzy! She works there too
- nice moneys
- it involves sitting down
- it will look stellar on my CV
- I don't come home smelling of coffee


It is my birthday in 5 days and I shall be 22 :)

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