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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday, 30 September 2010

... in which I am very excited

I am very excited, and I am very sick (literally).

Also, I am sick (figuratively) of the poo bum weather in this country. Ergo, here is my new plan.

1. Emigrate to a beautiful sunny country (I'm thinking Cyprus at the moment)
2. Buy a lovely house near a beach
3. Grow lemons and grapes
4. Make a fortune selling AWESOME lemons and grapes (and vino?)
5. Retire young and live out the rest of my life (John's life too, but he is unaware of the plan as I write this) in this lovely sunny country, eating good food, meeting nice people and visiting gorgeous beaches.

The end.

See you later!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

... in which the streak ends


Last week felt like the longest week in a long time... similarly, September feels like it's been here for an age. And it's not over yet!

So I have some bug thing that makes me feel like I'm hungry, and then makes me feel sick and sore when I do eat. Do not want. I want to eat pizza.

John, Leigh, Alice and I went to watch Chelsea vs Newcastle last week. It didn't end well for us, which threw me because I'd never been to a match that Chelsea didn't win. I was starting to consider myself their lucky charm. But it was a great game, despite the score. Very exciting!

My weekends was full of plans that nearly all fell through, but I still had a nice time chilling out with John. This weekend brings more fun stuff, including Nas being home again from uni. So yay!

I'm really struggling with that to buy my parents for their silver wedding anniversary. All the gifts I've looked at so far are boring. My dad is a very tricky man to buy presents for, which I think is why it's so tricky.

And once I get their anniversary sorted, I'll have to start thinking about his birthday present, haha. He really needs to get more hobbies - hobbies that I can buy accessories for!

I'm gonna go and tackle the washing up now, and start my ponderings about dinner. Chelsea play again tonight so I'm eagerly anticipating a nice win from them :)


Thursday, 23 September 2010

... in which I have a reality check

So John and I took a trip to my parents on Tuesday.... when we arrived the gates were shut so I pulled in to phone the parentals and ask them to open the gates.

Out comes my phone, I start ringing "home"... and it rings and rings and rings and rings and rings and rings...

And I'm going "this is outrageous! The cars are there, everyone is home!"

It took me another couple of minutes to realise that I'd been calling my house, instead of my parents house. Doy!

I swear my week has been more interesting than this event, but a bigger update comes soon.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

... in which I consider becoming a doctor

Not really.

So I was stuck in traffic coming home from work on Wednesday and I noticed a bruise on my wrist. I'm baffled as to where I got it from. But anyway... I began to have a conversation with myself about bruises;

Me: wow, that bruise is sore
Me: a bruise happens when little capillaries burst
Me: yeah but why does it hurt?
Me: because it's a bruise
Me: :-/

John and myself are having a chilled night in tonight, watching the X Factor and eating Chinese food. And I won't feel bad about it because I played hardcore badminton on Wednesday and Friday, and also did lots of Wii bowling yesterday. I r teh healthy!

Hope you're all having a nice weekend :)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

... in which I blah blah blah

So, when you last saw me I was about to embark on an adventure to Westfield with John, Leigh and Alice to watch Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

We embarked. We enjoyed. We had a lovely dinner afterwards. And then we joined some more of John's friends in Moons. Leigh and Alice didn't stay long, so I became the only girl very quickly. But I do enjoy those nights a lot.

Anyway, it was hilarious fun and I got shamefully drunk on a glass and a half of wine. Shocking :/

The night ended with me and John getting into the lovely BMW that Rob is car-sitting and playing with the convertible roof for a little while whilst revving the very powerful engine.

After my reaction to a small amount of wine at the weekend, I decided that joining John and his friends for wine-tasting on Tuesday night was bound to be a good idea :)

Turns out it was!

Which brings me to this point (kinda). The point that I am at is that this week has gone quite fast, but not fast enough obviously otherwise the weekend would be here now.

I had a meeting with the Headmaster at work today to talk about... well, about how awesome I am really. He called me "brilliant" which made me feel like I was back in school and trying to please him, haha. But it was a good meeting and I have a couple of balls rolling which will hopefully lead to naught but more awesomeness.

TTFN readers x

Saturday, 11 September 2010

... in which I got the love!

I had such a fun day yesterday after I left work. I ran (drove) to my old place of work... Costa Ruislip.

The newly refurbished Costa Ruilip, akshully. But that's not the important bit. The important bit is that Suzy and Alyssa were there waiting for me on new squishy sofas. And so was Jack, but he was actually working :)

So we drank coffee and nommed the nice food and had a catch up. And we phoned Hayley because she should have been there but wasn't. So we phoned her to forgive her.

Then! Sarah turned up. Sarah moved from Ruislip to Lincolnshire about a year ago and we hadn't seen her since, but in some weird twist of fate she was back in the area to pick up a laptop from being repaired. So that was a strange but nice coincidence.

And Nicky was there too. It was like a big AWESOME reunion :)

When Jack finished work the four of us bundled into my (tiny but clean clean clean) car and we went to Moons to eat chips and have a drink and laugh more about when we used to be hungover or drunk at work - back in our crazy young days!

And then sadly we all had to go our separate ways. Which made me sad, cause I love them so much, but we'll do it again soon, so there is less sad than there otherwise would be.

Today I am going to the cinema with Johnboy, Leigh and Alice to see the Scott Pilgrim one that I'm mildy curious about and John is desperate to see. It'll be interesting.

In the evening we'll be going to Moons. Haha, I love that place.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

...in which I am a bit behind on the updates

Ugh, it's almost a week since my last entry. I blame the fact that I've been at work, rather than sitting on my botty watching Jeremy Kyle.

But anyway; I got my car back :) :) :)

It was so nice to drive her again! Now I can zip about and fit through small spaces and know exactly when I need to brake, aaaaah. My car is awesome, I'm so lucky.

Work has been hard but rewarding in it's usual way. We've been really short staffed, so everyone has had to pull together and work things out. But we're getting there. I get my timetable soon and I'll feel more settled when I do.

Also.... good stuff is happening at work. I can't say much because I don't know much, but I have a meeting next week to figure stuff out. Citing!

Friday, 3 September 2010

... in which I am over-excited

Hello. Nice to see you again :) and a very happy Friday to all you lovely peoploids out there.

Bullet point form today. I may change my mind halfway through.

1. I LOVE MY COURTESY CAR!! I've noticed that I feel a little carsick while driving him sometimes, but I think that's because I feel like I'm cheating on my own car. Poor Baby will hopefully be back with me next Tuesday.

2. WEEKEND!! (I'm very excited today, hello capslockkatie). This week has felt so long, but it's been enjoyable and I secretly quite like being back at work.

3. I have a lot to do this weekend.

4. I am loving this weather. Ignore what I said in my 2nd bullet point, I wish I was off work to enjoy this nice sunshine.


6. I have lots of Darren Hayes DVDs to get through this weekends thanks to my friend Sally.

7. That is all. Have a good weekend!