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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 5 August 2010

... in which I indulge

I don't feel well and am missing a hen party because of it, so to cheer myself up I'm gonna rave about some of the things I've been loving recently.

1. Epic wall clock from www.heals.co.uk

I saw it when I was shopping recently and the size of it blew me away. It's so big an imposing that you can almost hear it booming the time at you. I absolutely love it, but alas! I also love the teeny weeny clock we already have :)

2. No. 7 High Shine Lip Gloss (Smile flavour)

I can't usually rave about beauty products but I do think that No. 7 is a fantastic brand. And their lipgloss is yummy and stays on for ages.

3. Ollie and Nic

A gorgeous little shop <3 It was hard to exercise self control in there... even now I'm not sure how I managed.

4. Glee

Say what you want, I don't care.

5. Terry Pratchett

I just finished reading The Light Fantastic which is the second book in the Discworld series, and I'm about to move onto the third. It's great stuff, he's a very, very clever man.

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