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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 9 August 2010

... in which I feel like time is flying


So... three weeks into my holiday and three weeks to go. Is nice.

Saturday evening was a nice little blur of good company, Harry Potter films and Chinese food. Sunday was mostly lazy with a trip out in the evening to Uxbridge to celebrate Alex turning 25.

And whilst I don't see 25 as "old", it made 23-year-old me feel slightly old. It seems like only yesterday that Cat and I were 21 and ripping into Alex because she was turning 23 and was on her way to old age. Oh gee, look at us now :)

Oh yeah, and Chelsea... wth guys? Losing 3-1 is not cool when John and I had to spend time with Man Utd supporters the very same evening!

The house-sitting adventure is going well, it's nice to have somewhere different to potter around in, and having cats running through the house all day makes a nice change to having zero cats!

As if on cue, Chelsea-cat came and invaded my lap space and stare at my screen for a few seconds to make sure she is getting a mention in le blog.

I'm loving the weather today. I took a stroll in the sunshine up to Ruislip High Street to buy bread and nibbly things (croissants ftw!!) and a little treat in the form of a Costa latte which was enjoyed in the garden with a magazine and feline company.

I think this week will fly by because it's my first week of having John off work, I have a flying lesson on Thursday and it's John's birthday shindig at the weekend. Bring it on :)

1 comment:

  1. hope you are still enjoying ur trip

    Chinese food and HP makes for a goood combo <3

