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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 1 August 2010

... in which I marvel

I should feel really rough but surprisingly I don't.

John and I visited my parentals for dinner last night; I went with a stomach ache and the decision to not eat too much dinner for that very reason. Well, my mum is a fantastic cook so that plan went to pot and I wolfed down a very delicious dinner.

When we got home, John got on with some gaming, and I started to watch the 100 Greatest Scary TV/Movie Moments. Being an epic wimp, I did wonder whether this was the best thing to watch before bedtime, but I soldiered on through it, and at 2.30am we went to bed.

At 5.30am I was still awake and livid at whatever it was stopping me falling asleep, although I wasn't entirely sure what it was.

Anyway, here I am, up at 11am and not feeling too bad. It might be something to do with the lovely roast dinner I have to look forward to later :) oh yeah.

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