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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 31 August 2010

... in which I have a SHINY NEW TOY!

31st August. Back to work. Unimpressed that I am working in August. Even the people who are horrified about the amount of time I have off work (and refer to it as my part-time job) are shocked that we're back in August. But it was a training day today so I enjoyed it.


This is Big; my courtesy car whilst Baby is off getting fixed.

I am a big chickenshit when it comes to most driving-related things. Since I've passed my test I've (properly) driven two cars - my Polo and my Mini, and I've had the Mini for about two and a half years now!

So when I found this brute waiting for me I was naturally terrified. And once I got in the driving seat I realised I was right to be terrified. As someone who thinks her Mini is a "chunky car" (lol), I was overwhelmed with how big this is in comparison.

And it's fast. It likes going fast. And it likes to stall.

You can't hear the engine either, so there's a bit of paranoia going on. Have I stalled?! Oh no, the car just likes to whisper.


The windscreen is massive which I love. Baby's windscreen is so small that when I'm waiting at traffic lights I can't always see them, which naturally can cause problems :) so I like seeing things.

It has 4 doors. I never have more than one person in my car anyway, but 4 doors is nice.

BIG BOOT!!! I had a shock yesterday when I went into Jo's car boot and was like "omg! I forgot that not all car boots are the size of shoeboxes!" You can live in Big's boot.

And there was something else... possibly about the fact that it is fast. And I feel high up when I'm driving instead of close to the floor. So the terror is more like adrenaline, and I like it.

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